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SEGNI New Generations Festival 2023

MOTHER YEAST MASTERCLASS: Workshop: Bobbi Lo Produktion – Lava Markusson and Michal Tang


“Methods for creating interactive experiences in the performing arts for young audiences”

Experience of live exchange and knowledge transfer for artists, professionals, and cultural workers who, as in the magic of the multiplication of mother yeast with water and flour, from an initial cell multiply knowledge and skills, meeting at SIGNS to build and renew ALLIANCES.

Bobbi Lo Produktion’s work is characterised by a strong physical expression, whose themes are based on an interest in human behaviour and how art for young audiences can question and create a dialogue around it. By creating provocative performances rooted in time, Bobbi Lo Produktion works to provoke thought and reflection about our existence and society today.

This meeting, led by Lava Markusson (her) and Michal Tang (him), artistic directors and choreographers of the dance company Bobbi Lo Produktion, revolves around interactivity in the realm of performing arts for young audiences, accompanied by active participation in the creative process. Participants are expected to actively engage in conversations, share thoughts and contribute ideas. During the workshop, participants will learn methods to create interactive performing arts experiences that resonate with young audiences, while fostering a collaborative atmosphere for sharing and developing ideas. The workshop aims to inspire and equip performing arts creators with the tools, dialogue and collaborative mindset to create engaging and relevant theatre productions for young audiences.

Book your participation (limited places!) by writing to indicating the appointments you are interested in.

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Live show

Reservation required for free event