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SEGNI New Generations Festival 2023

MOTHER YEAST MASTERCLASS AT PALAZZO TE: Discussion and presentation of the working methods of Johanssons Pelargoner och dans: Annica Styrke and Karin Wiklund

 - Sweden

Experience of live exchange and transmission of knowledge for artists, professionals, and cultural workers who, as in the magic of the multiplication of mother yeast with water and flour, from an initial cell multiply knowledge and skills, meeting at SEGNI to build and renew ALLIANCES.

Annica (she) is a choreographer, dancer and dance teacher. She graduated in Dance Pedagogy from the University of Dance and Circus and undertook further studies in gender science, child culture and theatre studies. Annica is one of the founders of Johanssons Pelargoner och Dans.

Karin (she) is a project manager, dance teacher, choreographer and dancer. She is a qualified dance teacher, a graduate of the University of Dance and Circus, and is also trained in normocritical pedagogy. Karin is one of the founders of Johanssons Pelargoner och Dans.

Book your participation (limited places!) by writing to indicating the appointments you are interested in.

Fondazione Palazzo Te

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Live show

Reservation required for free event