Martine Manten’s Pasta Madre Masterclass is CANCELLED today.
Experience of live exchange and knowledge transfer for artists, professionals, and cultural workers who, as in the magic of the multiplication of mother yeast with water and flour, from an initial cell multiply knowledge and skills, meeting at SEGNI to build and renew ALLIANCES.
Martine Manten graduated as a theatre scholar from the University of Utrecht in 1993. By then, she had already completed a one-year internship at the Toneelgroep Bonheur, where she remained for some time after graduation. At the same time, she worked at the Nationale Toneel in The Hague, where she started as an assistant director and then became a playwright. She then created a series of plays with Het Toneel Spelt in collaboration with Hans Croiset. At the Nationale Toneel, Martine Manten met Rob Ligthert and Peer Wittenbols. With them she joined Toneelgroep Oostpool, a company founded in 2000 (from the merger of De Federatie and Theater van het Oosten). She was the permanent dramaturg of Het Zuidelijk Toneel (HZT), directed by Matthijs Rümke. She is currently dramaturge at the HNTjong and Het Nationale Theater in The Hague. She also supervises students in the Writing for Performance programme at the Utrecht School of the Arts during their final projects and is a member of the evaluation committee.
Book your participation (limited places!) by writing to festivalsegni@gmail.com indicating the appointments you are interested in.