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SEGNI New Generations Festival 2024


The Loggia del Grano, in the heart of the historic centre, is transformed during SEGNI New Generations Festival into an open space with free admission for all families and schools. Every day in the morning and in the afternoon, between one show and another, this ‘festival playroom’ becomes the space where creativity time can be shared.

The name Octosensory was inspired by the eight senses of the SEGNI 2024 octopus, which, together with its remarkable intelligence and agility, will guide the sustainability-themed workshop activities.

Come take a break and refill your water bottle at the Gruppo Tea AqA column!

Open 31 October and 1, 2, 3 November from 10:00 to 12:00 and 16:00 to 18:00.


Fondazione Comunità Mantovana Onlus e Fondazione Banca Agricola Mantovana

Tea 2024 (4)-1

Live show

Reservation required for free event