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SEGNI New Generations Festival 2024


 - France


A multisensory show that immerses the audience in a world of colors, emotions, joy and poetry that envelops each viewer with love and humor. Animated objects, images and sounds go round and round, where audience and actors come together to experience an adventure written and designed especially for young children. An invitation to experience the creation of a landscape where stairs and houses intertwine, where three paths take shape.

Bettina Vielhaber

Emmanuel Cheau

Bettina Vielhaber, Galatée Auzanneau, Emmanuel Cheau

Bettina Vielhaber e Marja Nykanen

Éric Godoy

Marja Nykanen

Laurent Blanchard

Anaïs Bollègue

Alain Richet

Magali Leportier

Sabine Jäckel

Compagnie de l’Échelle

Lillico / Scène conventionnée d’intérêt national en préfiguration. - Art, Enfance, Jeunesse, Rennes ; MJC de Pacé, Pacé ; Théâtre Le Périscope, Nîmes

La Région Occitanie; Conseil Général du Gard; Théâtre Albarède, Ganges; Commune de Ribaute-les-Tavernes; Festival Mômes Ô coeur, Badaroux; SIVOM, Vrigne-Vivier; Association Aurora; Marionnettissimo, Tournefeuille; MIMA, Mirepoix