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SEGNI New Generations Festival 2023


 - The Netherlands


A story about the desire to hold on, told by hands, bodies and guitars. We see hands grabbing, mingling, leaving. We see emotion, passion and distance. We see a wild dance party, where the cry for help slowly creeps in. Hold Your Horses speaks of the urgency to hold on to something or someone, in an increasingly elusive world.

De Dansers, Theater Strahl Berlin

Josephine van Rheenen

Guy Corneille

Josephine van Rheenen, Liam McCall, Youri Peters, Arturo Vargas, Marie Khatib-Shahidi, Guy Corneille

Municipality of Utrecht, Fonds Podiumkunsten, Schäxpir Festival, Fonds21, K.F. Hein Fonds, Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds

Bart Grietens

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Reservation required for free event