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SEGNI New Generations Festival 2023



A show that speaks without the need for words, the story of a paper creature who is born before the astonished gaze of an artist in crisis. “CartaSìa” is an invitation to open our inner drawers: sometimes, letting free who (or what) we love is the most difficult (and beautiful) thing that can happen.

Drogheria Rebelot/BIBOteatro

Miriam Costamagna, Andrea Lopez Nunes, Andrea Rizzo

Massimo Somaglino

Ilaria Ariemme

Matteo Moglianesi

Laboratori Permanenti and La Corte Ospitale – Forever Young 2022

Periferie Artistiche - centro di residenza multidisciplinare della regione Lazio, MiC Direzione Generale dello Spettacolo - Regione Lazio Assessorato alla Cultura e Politiche Giovanili

Mac. Canizales