Certified teacher of 5Rhythms and Soul Motion and co-founder of ConsciousDanceItaly, the portal that unites all conscious movement practices with roots and training in the 5Rhythms.
Marcella has taken these practices everywhere: to piazza Duomo as well as to the high mountains, to the sea as well as to the Venice Biennale.
“Exploring our authentic movement in different spaces allows us to explore different spaces within ourselves. It gives us the opportunity to step out of our habits and connect the inside with the outside.”
“We dance to turn suffering into art, art into awareness, awareness into action” Gabrielle Roth, founder of 5Rhythms.
She holds classes and seminars in Milan, Turin, Bergamo, Treviso, Venice, Genoa, Aosta, Naples and abroad.
When not working with the body, she writes tailor-made fairy tales for adults, her publishing house is called FiabePerDire.