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Luna e GNAC teatro

Luna and GNAC Teatro is a theater company from Bergamo, founded in 2008 by Michele Eynard and Federica Molteni.

The name of the artistic duo, Luna and GNAC, (borrowed from a short story by Italo Calvino) sums up the dominant feature of their work: the tension towards a poetic elevation and the abrupt return to the ground, in the dish, banal and deafening daily. The contrast between these two antithetical and equally necessary universes is their field of research.

Michele Eynard is an actor, director and cartoonist. Federica Molteni is an actress, theater trainer and passionate reader, an expert in children’s literature.

This incredible mix has generated Luna and GNAC Teatro, and its physical and visual language together, which mixes theater with comics, the word with the graphic sign, the body with the virtual reality of the drawn page.

Then the meeting with the playwright and director Carmen Pellegrinelli: a love at first sight, which gave depth and depth to the research, leading to previously unexplored territories, such as the new dramaturgy and civil commitment, but always with the light touch and poetic and the taste for irony that distinguishes them.