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Jon (he/him) is Head of PAWB (Participation) with Hijinx Theatre (Wales, UK). Through a number of different projects, Jon is responsible for curating and delivering creative provision with, by and for neurodivergent and/or learning-disabled communities across Wales. He has a strong passion for ensuring young people have access to theatre and culture, and established Wales’ first neuro-inclusive young people’s theatres. Along with an advisory panel of Hijinx community members, Jon is in the process of developing a framework for the members to ensure participant and performer voices lead the work.

Jon is an Executive Committee Member of ASSITEJ International, International Representative of ASSITEJ UK, ex-Chair of the International Inclusive Arts Network (IIAN), a Life Coach (specialising in working with Creatives and LGBTQ+ clients) and a Neuro-Linguistics Programming Practitioner.