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Gaia Rum e Stefano Tumicelli – La compagnia dei Cosi

Compagnia dei Cosi was born in the summer of 2019 from the meeting of the two actors Stefano Tumicelli and Gaia Rum, students of the Accademia Teatrale Veneta. In 2020 six other young actors from the same academy join the company: Andrea Bonfanti, Emma Abdelkerim, Marinella Melegari, Ginevra Mangano, Angelo Callegarin, Moreno Corà. The aim of the company is to open new channels of fruition and distribution of the theatrical product by developing mini performances that can be adapted to situations not strictly related to the conventional theater of prose by carrying out an operation of public engagement. In 2021 the company joins the network of the USCA – Unità Speciali di Continuità Artistica – carrying out projects of Barbonaggio Teatrale in different Italian locations. A first production is “Cosa Cosò il Giglio”, a 15 minutes performance that combines different theatrical languages with the purpose to narrating the essence of a territory in search of an honest dialogue with the public.