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Eccentrici Dadarò

The Eccentrici Dadarò were born in 1997 with absolute freedom of expressive experimentation. Children’s Theatre, Street Theatre, and Prose Theatre are equal fields of investigation into communication through the language of theatre, the search for an extra-daily encounter through the show’s dominant motif.

The first research is around clowning, acrobatics, Commedia dell’Arte, circus arts. The encounter between this experience and actor’s theatre is the detonator of what will be the Company’s language in all subsequent productions: a search for balance between body language and dramaturgical language, trying to bring physicality into the word and at the same time juxtapose the textual development with the opening of exclusively physical pauses, which bring us closer to an empathy with the path of the unconscious alongside that of the logical mind.

In the same way, this drive for research in the field of language has committed the Compagnia to collaborating with various realities such as RAI, Telethon, Telefono Azzurro, Legambiente, Cineteca Italiana, Fairs (SMAU), etc.