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From 23 October to 30 November

SEGNI New Generations Festival 2021
 - First time national
From 23 October to 30 November

BOUCLE D’O | day 8 | evening show

 - France

Through the symbol of water and the circle, two artists narrate the cycle of life, the construction of identity that passes through one’s own reflection and relationship with the other. A small visual and musical poem in which shapes and movements resonate in plays of water and composed rhythms to remind us to maintain the link with nature and find a universal language that connects us.

Compagnie du Porte-Voix, Compagnie A Tous Vents

Florian Allaire, Florence Goguel

La Francia in Scena, stagione artistica dell’Institut français Italia / Ambasciata di Francia in Italia

Fondazione Nuovi Mecenati